
Sunday, April 1, 2012

On the first day of Poetry Month...

What a day!  No April Fools for me...I was lucky enough to see Mo Willems read his newest books Listen to My Trumpet and The Duckling Gets a Cookie (and I got to pick up some signed books for the library!)

First things first, the packed theater sang Happy Birthday to the Pigeon.  That stinker (as Mo Willems calls him) turned 9 today!

Then there was the photo shoot, before Mo encouraged everyone to put down their phones, hold the hand of the kid next to them and ENJOY and EXPERIENCE the moment.

He also went on to field questions, with the answers geared to adults as well as kids - like this gem:  (The question was where he got his ideas.)  "An idea is not an animal you hunt, it's a seed that you plant. And then sometimes you cut it down and burn it for profit."

Finally, we waited in line for him to sign some books.  He was friendly and very much a fan of teachers and librarians.  He is fast with his Piggie and Pigeon drawings!

Also, it being the first day of poetry month, I settled down with a stack of books that I will be sharing in different ways in the library this month.  I am so excited for the poetry madness that is about to begin!

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